Abstract submission deadline Nov. 10, 2019 (Submit here)
Acceptance of abstracts Nov. 15, 2019
Registration opens July 15, 2019 (Register now)
Early bird registration deadline Aug. 31, 2019
Regular Registration deadline Oct. 10, 2019
Late Registration deadline Nov. 25, 2019
Programme release Now Open
Full manuscripts (Yet to open) Sep. 15, 2019
Acceptance of full manuscripts Nov. 30, 2019
Copyright form & final manuscript Nov. 30, 2019
FiMPART Conference Dec 15-18, 2019

Current generation is ruled by a variety of materials. Materials are fundamental to our civilization. We have come a long way into innovating new materials for all kind of applications. One cannot single out a specific material for an application. It is always a combination of materials with diverse properties that come together to address the need. It is hence important for materials scientists to develop a holistic understanding of the materials domain, even if not in depth. Awareness of the properties of materials under various conditions is a must. Material properties limit material performance. FiMPART is an initiative to promote such awareness on the whole gamut of materials, their properties, ways of testing, their performance and mitigation methods in case of issues.

Endorsed by

FiMPART is first of its kind to cover all major areas of materials research under one common platform. The meeting and discussions in this conference are targeted at enabling innovation. FiMPART will cover all aspects of materials research, processing, fabrication, structure/property evaluation, applications of ferrous, non-ferrous, ceramic, polymeric materials and composites including biomaterials, materials for energy, fuel cells/hydrogen storage technologies, batteries, super-capacitors, nano-materials for energy and structural applications, aerospace structural metallic materials, bulk metallic glasses and other advanced materials.

Oral and poster presentations dealing with the various conference topics will be included in the conference program. In addition to contributed presentations, the conference committee has invited eminent internationally known researchers in key areas of materials research, processing/manufacturing from various countries to deliver Plenary/Keynote lectures at FiMPART’2019. FiMPART series would be held bi-annually across the globe.

In 2015 FiMPART attrached participation from 47 nations at Hybderabad, India, while in 2017 there 67 nations partipiated in FiMPART at Bordeaux, France. The steering committee consists of esteemed researchers from Japan, Korea, France, USA, UK, India, Taiwan and several other countries on International Advisory board.

FiMPART covers diverse topics of importance under 24 different symposia. The symposia topics have been carefully chosen so as to enable broader interaction that can lead to innovation. The overarching symposia topics are as listed below:

  1. Accelerated Materials Discovery
  2. Biomaterials
  3. Corrosion (inclusive of elevated temp. reactions)
  4. Electronic Materials
  5. Energy Storage (including Batteries)
  6. Ferrous alloys (all Fe base alloys)
  7. Fibrous materials (all materials that are used as fibres including textile materials)
  8. Light Alloys (Al, Ti, Mg etc for space and aerospace applications, Biomedical etc)
  9. Magnetic Materials
  10. Materials Characterization
  11. Materials for elevated temperatures (Superalloys, Intermetallics, Ceramics, Refractory etc)
  12. Nano-materials / Materials for Energy & Sustainability
  13. Materials Performance
  14. Materials Processing (Additive manufacturing, welding & joining, casting, forming, residual stresses, etc)
  15. Metallic glasses & High Entropy Alloys
  16. Mining
  17. Modelling and Simulation
  18. Non-Destructive Testing(Padmashri Late Dr Baldev Raj Honor Symposium)
  19. Polymers, Ceramics and Composites
  20. Powder Metallurgy
  21. Science and Technology Policies in Materials Research
  22. Smart Materials
  23. Structural Materials
  24. Surface Engineering & Tribology
  25. Ultra-fine grained Materials
  26. Women in Engineering